We started as the nail gun specialists and that hasn’t changed. Need yours repaired? We can help. Request a repair today.

Our nail gun repair shop services nail guns from the Hunter to the north coast. We are authorized Paslode, Bostitch, Senco, MAX, Hitachi service and warranty agents.

Tools need a tune up? We service a variety of tools and brands. From nail guns to compressor repairs, we can help.

Give us a call and let us help you get the job done right, first time.

Need something on site, can’t get away and need it now? Ask about our delivery service. Our fleet of delivery vans allow builders to maximise their working time by bringing the goods to them, avoiding costly downtime in chasing hardware supplies. No minimum order amount, just place an order and we will make sure it gets to you.

Fancy a gourmet breakfast? Want to learn more about the latest tools and our best suppliers? Come along to one of our monthly BBQs. Each month we invite our customers to our store to feast, socialise and learn. Different suppliers offer knowledge about their products and the best practice for using them. Come along, and check it out.